Roshan: An opportunity to gain more experience!


My name is Roshan Mirza bt Shamsuddin, the Assistant Manager in Tedboy Bakery, Jaya One. I’m 29 years old this year, and have been with Tedboy since June 2014 which marks my 4th year by end of 2018! Previously I was stationed at Tedboy Express in Bangsar South.

There are many reason why I joined Tedboy:
 1) Tedboy’s culture treats everyone like a family member and not mere staff. 
2) I have the best boss ever! 
3) We try our best to help and take care of each other.

Tedboy offers me the opportunity to gain more experience by giving me a chance to lead and manage my own team of staff.

I really do enjoy working at Tedboy because everthing is good: I have a good team, good colleagues, good environment and also a good boss! My vision is to learn more and gain more experience. Besides that, I would like to grow and succeed with Tedboy!

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