Living behind the mask - Is it over yet?

We’ve been living in normality for ages and this minute size (somewhere around 65–125 nm in diameter) virus changed everything. On the 7th of June, our Prime Minister announced that Malaysia will be under Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO). Which means, we’re going to have a glimpse of freedom again. (Yes!) 


But is it going to be normal again like how it was before?


No. I don’t think so. 

By not following the SOPs or neglecting self hygiene, we will soon get back to the same black pit. Fret not, there are a few things that we CAN do to fight this together!


  1. The classic handshake, fist-bumps, or high fives. Let's avoid that as for now. Any physical contact in general may help the virus travel to literally anyone.

  2. Wash your hands often. With alcohol-based hand rub, soap and water before you start doing something, when you get home or start with work. Always wash your hands to get rid of the ‘invisible’ dirt.

  3. Keep your hands away from your face. Based on a few research and studies made by WHO, Covid-19 can easily pass from the hands to the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth.

  4. ‘The Dab’. What used to be a dance move, now it is the most hygienic way for you to cough and sneeze.

  5. Discard used tissues and masks into a trash bin and wash your hands. Not, on the streets or at parking lots. Please.

  6. Keep your distance. We still need to practice social distancing. The virus is still lingering around the air that we’re breathing.

  7. Pay attention to the symptoms and go to the doctor. Get professional help. Not Mr Google. It wouldn’t give you the accurate answers that you might need all the time.

  8. Avoid sharing personal items and touching surfaces in public spaces (counters, pens or drinking cups). If you think that the items might be infected, please clean the surface or disinfect your hands after you use it. 

  9. Use masks to protect yourself. It doesn't matter if its N95, fabric or cloth masks. But if you happen to wear it, you are wearing a simple and cheap armor away from the deadly virus. If you would like to know more on the suitable mask for you to wear, press play to the informational video below made by World Health Organization (WHO).

Slowly but surely, this too shall pass. With the help of us, heroes, we will be free again. Stay safe everyone.


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